Showing posts with label macro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label macro. Show all posts


Gecko leopardo. by Pablin79

Gecko leopardo (Eublepharis macularius) __ Thank you to all for your comments, faves, notes and expos!.- __ -|- | Large & Black Press "L" | -|- || Facebook || Tumblr. || 500px || Twitter || My Getty || __ © Pablo Reinsch Photography Please don't use this image without my permission.


Blue fractal. by ASPphotographic

hi everyone!,sorry i have been away!,work commitments again,wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday,and thank you for any comments that have been placed in while i have been away..water droplet refraction and a dandelion seed.😊


Lymantria dispar Caterpillar by AmandaBlomPhotography

Lymantria dispar Caterpillar AmandaBlomPhotography

Vanessa Cardui by dejanams

Natural 87 (white 2) by KenjirohTukiyama

Evening of raining on and off I found a white morning glory. Is the practice in order to obtain the actual white color. KenjirohTukiyama

White With A Touch Of Pink : Nikon Lens Test by geoffwest

Thank you for viewing, voting and any constructive comments which I will answer in a short while and then view your gallery later....Thanks for adding my photographs to your galleries……And a big thank you to everyone who tweets or places my photographs on their Facebook pages….Hope you enjoy this one…..Have an enjoyable week... Flower….white none-stop flowering Begonia…..starts with a pinky red bud(as shown) and as it opens it loses its pinky pigmentation and develops into a pure white flower… THE KIT LENS TEST 18 - 55mm vr2 I keep reading articles in the photo magazines telling people that now they have bought their DSLR they should get rid of their Kit Lens and buy a proper prime lens, usually a macro lens….the first problem is that the macro lens has a very small depth of field and costs a fortune… so, I thought I would see how sharp my Kit Lens really is…Firstly I selected a flower tub in the garden with a white begonia (white is hard is get fine detail)….I then cut a piece of black card into a collar and placed it behind the flower….I then placed the camera on a tripod….selected iso100…selected F7.1 (the sharpest aperture for the 18-55mm, previously determined in my aperture tests)…selected the shutter speed give the correct exposure(1/25sec)….very important, now switch off auto focus and any VR on the lens…I manually focused on the pink bud…took one shot….finished. In Lightroom it was cropped slightly to tidy it up to 16:10 format, and the AUTO develop button applied…finished.. Total time taken 10mins.. The resultant image shows that, at 35mm the KIT LENS has a great depth of field…maybe not 100% sharp but (circles of confusion) appears to be sharp…the rain drops, from during the night, seem sharp enough and there is petal detail… In conclusion, I advise everyone to treat their Kit Lenses with more respect and do not believe everything in the photo mags... geoffwest